Questions and Answers


Self-promotion is icky to most technologists. Why is self-promotion so important? How do you get over the ick? (All)



How do you answer the question "So what do you do?"



What's so important about specialization?



How do you make yourself memorable/differentiate yourself? (Molly)



The self-esteem factor: how what you think of yourself translates to what others think of you.


How do you deal with failure/rejection or a solid ego-bruising?



How do you market without compromising your comfort zone? When is it time to go out of the comfort zone (like speaking!)?



Karma is a boomerang:



How do you get the word out/build your platform?



Creating demand: Can playing hard to get professionally pay off? (Penelope, Molly)



Personal weblogs that get personal - will they scare off or attract potential clients?



How much time do you spend on marketing your work versus DOING it?



How do you juggle multiple employers and when do you go after new business?



How do you become a great networker?



Barking up the right tree.



What's in a name?



Focus your marketing on your goals.